Sunday, October 16, 2016

Brexit: The First Bill and Scotland

Feel you are on a ship with nutters drilling holes in the hull beneath the waterline? I do.

Curtsy of the Brexiters, the first of what will be an avalanche of bills has arrived. The one dollar and one euro pound.Great for Burberrys of Knightsbridge, not so good, to put it mildly, for your daily shop.

Meanwhile, the SNP has laid out its plan. Given that May will not protect Scotland's position within the Single Market, the SNP will, in its own time, when everyone will have seen the dog's arse produced, call another referendum. The Scots will do this with or without the permission of the English. They will this time secede. Scotland will then also, whether the English, the Spaniards or the Belgians like it or not, be a member in its own right of the EU.

Scotland with its good banking and industrial assets will become, with Ireland one of the two English speaking EU portals. Poor England, for its part, will drift off to the disaster that the Clowns and Cretins have plucked from a fairly clear blue sky. A future blistered by xenophobia and crashing living standards.Hey England: Good luck with the WTO!

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