Friday, October 3, 2008

Palin and Biden; Palin by a wink.

Both were courteous and reserved their serious attacks for the presidential hopefuls. Biden, as one would expect, had more detail and depth in his responses. He answered all the questions and seemed quite likable . Palin, much no doubt to the chagrin of the Obamettes, didn't implode. She didnt always answer questions put but then she has not got 40 years knowledge. She did however stand her ground offering herself and McCain as the mavericks who would shake up and change American politics. She spoke eloquently of her taking on the big enterprises in Alaska and the American need for energy self-sufficiency. She pointed out that the Iraq surge, opposed by Obama and supported by Mc Cain, was working. She spoke in her hallmark easy folksy way that connects so well with Main street. She came across as the young, fresh and energetic person she is. You could believe that she would perhaps clean out Washington. Just as Obama beats McCain in the youth and looks department, so with Palin and Biden. For me she won when she winked at her dad in the audience.
She could have landed more of a punch by pointing out that although Obama's several autobiographies and the Democratic spin machine portray Obama as a reformer his record to date shows no evidence of this at all. Obama has worked the Democratic machine ably and it has worked well for him but he has never rocked the boat or challenged his party. He has always towed the party line. See David Fredosso's book The case against Barack Obama. There were no knock out blows in this debate but one thing is for sure Palin saved herself and gave the Republican campaign a new lease of life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just like McAmnesty, Palin the feminist is pro-amnesty:

Nice entry on Dieneces the Spartan, thanks.
