Thursday, October 9, 2008

Obama and the Garden Gnome.

Stayed up late to watch the McCain-Obama townhall debate. It didn't matter that McCain had more points ( Principally that Obama, contrary to the claims of his two autobiographies and many spin doctors, is not a reformer ), McCain is simply not eye or ear candy. He is a poor orator and doesn't look great. Not great on TV where it doesn't matter what you say so much as how you sound and look. McCain was a stumpy little figure walking around the stage for no apparent reason his rambling burblings punctuated with cringe making " My friends, this..." and " My friends, that..." He said some good things but it was all lost in his appalling sounds and visuals. To be honest, he looked like a slightly deranged garden gnome who had lost his pointy hat. Sad day for the Republicans.

Obama was his usual vacuous and suave self. He won hands down.

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