Thursday, June 2, 2016

Brexit and Breakup of the UK.

Since last July, the Scots polls have shown a steady 50% in favour of staying in the EU. Over the same period, there have been equally steady percentages for out and don't know of about 25 and 15 respectively. The latest polls are 55 in, 27 out and 18 don't know. It seems clear that Scotland will vote to remain. ( For Northern Ireland and Wales we are now getting stay in polls of 75 and 55 percent respectively )

After jiggering around a bit, with two weeks to go, the English vote is firming up towards a 55% out and and 45% in outcome. This English vote will be enough to take the whole of the UK out. So far, so good. The problem is that Scotland will not accept the result and allow itself to be dragged out of the Union by the English. The SNP will simply call another referendum and, I bet my bottom dollar, this time they will win. So, very soon it will be Ciao UK and Good Luck England!

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