Thursday, September 25, 2014

Hungry Americans.

One in six Americans, compared to one in twenty Europeans, go hungry now, everyday. Thats about 48 million children, women and men who can't afford to feed themselves properly. A fivefold increase since the 1990s. In the 1980s the US had a couple of hundred privately run emergency food programs, now there are 50,000.

The hungry are unemployed or in receipt of third world wages. Generally they haven't got access to cheap nutritious food or the knowledge of how to use it. They eat, when they can, junk food. The junk food is just that. Dosed up with additives, sugars, salts and saturated fats it is directly responsible for an obesity epidemic amongst the hungry poor.

It seems incredible that this is tolerated by the planet's richest and greatest food exporting nation. Someone needs to mount class actions against the US government for allowing this horror and against the health crippling food industries that profit from it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

They should simply eat less, lots of veggies , maybe once a week some cheap meat like chicken , people can be slim and healthy if they only choose to be, 1 zinger burger at KFC is £ 3.29 , they can easily buy a bag of potatoes, carrots and butter and make potato soup for less than the amount of money and they will be fit , won't suffer obesity and heart disease , its all about the right choices in life , that applies to almost everything as to think of it !