Monday, May 14, 2012

Britain's Muslim Paedophiles, Mr Vaz, Donkeys and Toilet Paper.

When 8 British Pakistanis and a failed Afghan asylum seeker scored a total of 77 years in the slammer for the assault, gang rape and trafficking of exclusively Non-Muslim white girls as young as 12, none showed any remorse and one predictably bellowed that he and the others convicts were the victims of racism.

Within days of the trial's end, Keith Vaz MP, Chairman of the Home Affairs Select Committee, got on stage to announce that the crimes had nothing to do with race or religion. Why? Well, in his own words there were two reasons. Firstly, the BNP said these were racist and sectarian crimes and because the BNP had said this it couldn't be true. What intellectual rigor! One suspects that if the BNP had said that the earth orbits the sun, Mr Vaz would have popped up to assure us that this was a hideous lie. The second reason Mr Vaz gave for declaring that race and Islam were not involved was that a policeman and a social worker told him so. Gosh! The fact that the police and social services, both of which failed to protect the children, are petrified of offending* the Muslim Community had of course nothing to do with their proffered opinion.

Contrast the pronouncements of the astounding Mr Vaz with the robust position taken by Mohamed Shafik, Chief Executive of the Ramadan Institute. Mr Shafik immediately called for often indifferent imams to denounce the misogynist, racist and sectarian culture of the convicted men. In this he was joined by a few other Muslim voices including notably that of journalist Yasmin Alibhai-Brown and member of the House of Lords baroness Warsi. More please!

Mr Vaz meanwhile will no doubt persist in his denial of a problem that further damages Islam's already sadly tarnished image.

The Muslim world needs to take a long hard look at that not inconsiderable portion of itself that sees Muslim women as donkeys and Non-Muslim women as toilet paper.

*As I have written before, anyone with a half a pickled onion's worth of decency would know that here it is not the sensitivities of the Muslim Community that need to be protected. The only sensitivities that should be considered are those of the young victims.

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