Monday, August 2, 2010

The Betrayal of Afghan Women. Aisha and the Degenerate Taliban.

Now days the talk in Afghanistan is of negotiation with the Taliban. When, quite soon, NATO and its allies withdraw from the country, the Taliban will return to power or at the very least be partners in some frightfully corrupt and flaky governing coalition. When this happens, the thousands of dead and crippled Westerners and Afghans and the trillions of dollars spent will simply have taken the country and in particular all its women back to the degenerate stone age of the Taliban tyranny. In the Taliban hell, women (denied all education or rights) are there to be abused, mutilated and murdered at will. This will happen because when all is said and done most Afghan men rather like the Taliban way of doing things.

For trying to escape from a marriage where she was beaten and lived in fear of her life, Aisha above, was taken at night from her village in Uruzgan and dragged into the woods where she was condemned by the good Muslim local Taliban commander and mullah to have her nose and ears cut off. This was done with alacrity by her inlaws with her husband wielding the knife. She was left for dead but managed to survive*. This is institutionalised barbarism. This is again Islam. This is the Taliban.

*Thanks to Time magazine and others, Aisha will go to America for reconstructive surgery. Very few female victims of this deplorable society will be so lucky.


Unknown said...

This is absolutely barbaric. But please do not be so ignorant as to say "This is Islam" because that would be invalid if you know what Islam is. The acts of the Taliban (who claim to be doing all their inhumane deeds in the name of "Islam") have nothing to do with Islam and are actually condemned by the religion and its true practitioners.

Unknown said...

Islam is the root cause of the disturbances in world Peace .
Maybe some day People will realize religions are there because we made them not that we are here because of religions.
People should leave Islam and practice any other religion as per their choices . That will be perfectly fine . But just leave Islam.

Unknown said...

Jesus never said be a Christian or Muslim or a jew. Jesus said to love God with all your being and to love each other especially your enemies!