Friday, May 9, 2008

Islamic Inhumanity and World Starvation.

In this time of desperate and upward spiralling food prices, when oil producers are trousering ever greater profits, you would think that Islamic oil states would be making substantial contributions to the world food kitty known as the World Food Programme. None of it. In 2007, the greatest contribution by miles was from the US; $1,104,223,037. Saudi Arabia is 27th down the list with $6,536,959. Barely the price of one modest London princely crash pad. The United Arab Emirates is 38th with $2,100,000.
Dhimmi Watch has an explanation.

The most likely reason for this is that zakat, the almsgiving that is obligatory for all Muslims, is generally not to be given to non-Muslims. Since there is nothing preventing this aid from being given to non-Muslims, they don't give it.

What a perfect illustration of Islam's innate lack of humanity. What a disgrace.

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