Monday, April 14, 2008

Seal Cull and the Canadian Hypocrites.

When the Canadians get bored of lecturing the US on anything and everything and tired of prosecuting their own citizens like Ezra Levant and Mark Steyn for daring to suggest that Islam might be slightly dodgy, they go and find some cute little seal cubs and club them to death. Ten to twenty thousand. They do though hate been seen at it so last Saturday their storm troopers stormed the Sea Shepard Conservation Society's boat the Farley Mowat. The Farley was documenting the bloodbath. " Hit the deck m****r-f****rs: can't have technicolour film of our fun being peddled round the world and tarnishing Canada's saintly image!". Hey. Looks like the skipper is going to cop the slammer and a $100,000 fine. How sad is Canada!? Must be the weather.

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